Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday hit out at previous governments for delaying the Dedicated Freight Corridor project of the Railways and said his government engaged with stakeholders to speed up the work. The project was given permission in 2006 but it was only on paper as the then government lacked the seriousness and urgency with which it had to to take it up with the states, he said after inaugurating the New Bhaupur-New Khurja section of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor via video conferencing. Till 2014 not a single km track of the project was laid and the funds sanctioned could not be spent properly. After 2014 ,it was restarted and officials asked to take it forward and by then the budget had gone went up 11 times, the Prime Minister said
Breaking news live updates: Pakistan a pawn in Chinese policy, serious Indo-Sino conflict not good for China, says IAF Chief
Breaking news live updates: Pakistan a pawn in Chinese policy, serious Indo-Sino conflict not good for China, says IAF Chief
Breaking news live updates: Pakistan a pawn in Chinese policy, serious Indo-Sino conflict not good for China, says IAF Chief
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THE TIMES OF INDIA | Dec 29, 2020, 21:43:41 IST
Pakistan a pawn in Chinese policy, serious Indo-Sino conflict not good for China: IAF Chief
20:41 (IST) Dec 29
Fire breaks out in Dzukou Range in Nagaland: PTI
Ajay Kumar, executive director at Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor speaking to ANI on Tuesday. (Photo/ANI)
New Bhaupur-New Khurja section of EDFC will benefit public with increase in speed of trains, says official ANI | Updated: Dec 29, 2020 19:34 IST
Bulandshahr (Uttar Pradesh) [India], December 29 (ANI): The New Bhaupur-New Khurja of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) dedicated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the nation will be beneficial for the public as it will increase the speed of goods and passenger trains, said an official on Wednesday.
Bhaupur is a town in Kanpur Dehat district and Khurja is a town in Bulandshahr district of Uttar Pradesh.
Modi launches 351km-long eastern dedicated freight corridor
Published on
Tue, Dec 29 2020 12:12 IST |
Modi launches 351km-long eastern dedicated freight corridor. ( Image Source: IANS News
New Delhi, Dec 29 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the 351 km long New Bhaupur-New Khurja section of the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) and Operation Control Centre (OCC) at Prayagraj.
Speaking on the occasion, Modi said, After Independence we are witnessing the inauguration of the most advanced rail section in the country. The first goods train that will run on the New Bhaupur-Khurja section will give a message of the new Aatmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) and the new operation control centre in Prayagraj is one of the best control centres in the world.
PM Modi inaugurates dedicated freight corridor, says it will play major role to make India self-reliant
Updated: Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 14:56 [IST]
New Delhi, Dec 29: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the New Bhaupur-New Khurja section of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor via video conferencing.
These freight corridors will play a major role in making India self-reliant. Be it traders, farmers or consumers, everyone will be benefitted from these, the PM said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates the ‘New Bhaupur - New Khurja section’ of Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC), via video conferencing, in New Delhi.PTI Photo
The PM said that earlier freight and passenger trains used to run on the same track. In the past 6 years, the government has focused on better connectivity, he also said. These special corridors for carriage trains will ensure that the passenger trains run on time. It will also ensure that the carriage trains will run at three tim