Pete the Vet calls foul! Why it s essential to scoop that poop
It’s the rare instances of life-changing consequences that make dog poop a serious public health issue.
Pete the Vet: There is one big negative aspect to the boost in the canine population: the parallel increase in the national production of canine faeces, or dog poop, as it is more politely termed.
Mon, 24 May, 2021 - 18:00
Dog ownership has soared in Ireland over the past year. People spending more time at home during lockdown have realised that, at last, they are able to keep the pet they have longed for. When working from home, it’s easy to have the dog beside you at your workspace. And a twice daily stroll with your new pet is a welcome alternative to the usual commute to and from work.
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A dog virus spreading in Dublin is very rarely fatal – with most dogs recovering well without any medical attention, according to Pete ‘The Vet’ Wedderburn.
Recent weeks have seen Dubliners
warned of a dog virus outbreak that can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and can be dangerous for older or weaker dogs.
The Pat Kenny Show this morning Pete The Vet said there appears to have been a surge in severe gastroenteritis.
He said around one-in-five cases are caused by an ‘enteric coronavirus’ – however, the virus is not new and is totally different to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“Some vets are reporting positive results on an antigen test in the faeces to that particular virus so it does seem likely that this apparent outbreak is caused by a bit of an upsurge in this virus,” he said.