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Changes will disadvantage many vulnerable people
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May 8, 2021 12.02am
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Credit:Illustration: Matt Golding
To submit a letter to The Age, email Please include your home address and telephone number.
Changes will disadvantage many vulnerable people
I am horrified at the reassessment program that the federal government is trying to install for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. My nine-year-old autistic granddaughter will have to face a stranger with a very long list of questions. She is going to be anxious to get the answers “right” because that is what you do in a test, isn’t it?
Mortgage Business
More FHLDS options amid falling unit prices By Sarah Buckley 10 February 2021
There are now an average of 107 capital city suburbs where the median value of property meets the FHLDS thresholds, according to CoreLogic.
The property data and analytics company has analysed median dwelling values to identify which city suburbs have seen the median value of established property fall below the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS) thresholds since the onset of COVID-19.
The analysis comes following the announcement that the federal government is to reissue approximately 1,800 unused guarantees from the first tranche of the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme “in the coming days”, with several lenders already having opened waitlists for the reissuances.
While others faltered, we acted decisively
February 4, 2021 10.30pm
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Credit:llustration: Cathy Wilcox
To submit a letter to The Age, email Please include your home address and telephone number.
While others faltered, we acted decisively
Chris Uhlmann says: ″Lockdowns have already exacted a price that cannot be measured in dollars or over the short term and the yo-yo imprisonment of cities will eventually cripple communities economically and psychologically.″ (Opinion, 3/2) Recently, my friend wrote to me from Germany: ″I have corona blues, like many here. The European politicians know from Australia, New Zealand etc how to handle the pandemic. But they are not acting.″