Budget analyst Kay Dorp is celebrating two decades on Pleasanton Unified School District s fiscal services team also as its 2021-22 Classified Employee of the Year. She was nominated by many colleagues and school site teams.
Pleasanton Unified School District is pausing plans for layoffs at Horizon Early Education Center and will most likely revisit the matter next month, officials told the Weekly on Monday.
Dennis added, Preserving and enhancing the competitiveness of our city as a business location will require an investment in affordable workforce housing close to Pleasanton jobs.
Increasing workforce housing and taking away commuter trips reduces greenhouse gases and helps meet our climate goals, too, Combs said. Water is the reason that resident Arnie Wilson said he commented on Tuesday, and shared his concerns that the city s current draft RHNA allocation of 5,965 housing units which city officials plan to appeal based on concerns about the methodology used is at odds with local resources. When you prepare your appeal regarding the allocation, I think we need to mention water as an environmental constraint, he said. (The) process requires that we outline governmental constraints and environmental constraints, and I think water has to be an environmental constraint.
Students call Sato the embodiment of the spirit of Village High School
Uploaded: Thu, May 20, 2021, 8:23 pm
Time to read: about 2 minutes
Russell Sato, PUSD s 2021 Teacher of the Year, inside his classroom at Village High School. (Photo courtesy of PUSD)
Pleasanton school officials honor Russell Sato (center) for winning PUSD s 2021 Teacher of the Year. (Photo courtesy of PUSD)
Russell Sato, PUSD s 2021 Teacher of the Year, inside his classroom at Village High School. (Photo courtesy of PUSD)
Russell Sato, PUSD s 2021 Teacher of the Year, inside his classroom at Village High School. (Photo courtesy of PUSD)
A Village High School educator beloved for the connections he makes in the classroom is celebrating the end of a long academic year by being named Pleasanton Unified School District s 2021-22 Teacher of the Year.