A coronavirus epidemic hit East Asia 20,000 years ago A coronavirus epidemic hit East Asia 20,000 years ago
NYT News Service | Jun 28, 2021, 05:18 IST
(Picture for representation)
Researchers have found evidence that a coronavirus epidemic swept east Asia some 20,000 years ago and was devastating enough to leave an evolutionary imprint on the DNA of people alive today.
The new study suggests that an ancient coronavirus plagued the region for many years, researchers say. The finding could have dire implications for the Covid pandemic if it s not brought under control soon through vaccination. It should make us worry, said David Enard, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona who led the study, which was published on Thursday in Current Biology. Until now, researchers could not look back very far into the history of this family of pathogens.
Eine Studie deutet darauf hin, dass die Delta-Variante tödlicher ist als die ursprüngliche Corona-Variante. Laut dem aktuellen Bericht von „Public Health England (PHE)“ starben in Großbritannien zwölf Menschen nach zweifacher Impfung an dieser Variante, sieben weitere Menschen starben trotz einer Impfdosis.
Do they know the Indian variant has many sub-variants? Theres a Mamata variant which can be more infectious but less fatal. Then theres the Khattar variant a ferocious creature. Once it hits, there is no escape, except to a delayed vaccine. The Kejriwal strain is all over the place with little logic guiding its path.