I dati del dossier del Viminale , pubblicato per la tradizionale riunione del 15 agosto del Comitato
nazionale per l'ordine e la sicurezza pubblica che oggi si svolge a Palermo. 720 mila sanzionati per
violazioni delle norme anti-Covid, chiuse 7480 attività commerciali. In un anno +128% sbarchi,
i minori non accompagnati aumentati del 155%. In un anno uccise 105 donne, in più della metà dei
casi l'omicida è il partner o l'ex (ANSA)
Dopo il collegamento con le sale operative il ministro dell' Interno, Luciana Lamorgese, ha
presieduto, nella prefettura di Palermo, il comitato nazionale per l'ordine e la sicurezza pubblica
cui hanno partecipato, tra gli altri, il capo di stato maggiore. (ANSA)
Maria Licciardi, 70, was cuffed at Ciampino airport in Rome Saturday while attempting to fly to Malaga in southern Spain. She is accused of mafia association, extortion, auction rigging and more.
UNITED NATIONS â More than 120 countries elected British Pakistani lawyer Karim Khan Feb. 12 as the next prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, one of the toughest jobs in international law because the tribunal seeks justice for the world s worst atrocities â war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
His election on the second secret ballot by the 123 parties to the Rome Statute that established the court ends a drawn-out and divisive process to replace Fatou Bensouda when her nine-year term expires in June.
Khan, who has specialized in international criminal law and international human rights law, was widely seen as the favorite to get the job. But neither he nor any of the other candidates garnered enough support to be appointed by consensus, prompting the Feb. 12 election in the U.N. General Assembly Hall.
Former counsel for Saif al-Islam Gadhafi is ICC’s new prosecutor
British lawyer Karim Khan currently leads a UN team set up to investigate allegations of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by ISIS in Iraq and has the rank of a UN assistant secretary-general.
Monday 15/02/2021
A 2019 file picture shows head of the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by ISIL (UNITAD) Karim Khan in Baghdad. (REUTERS)
NEW YORK - UNITED NATIONS – More than 120 countries elected British lawyer Karim Khan on Friday as the next prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), one of the toughest jobs in international law because the tribunal seeks justice for the world’s worst atrocities war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.