PROPOSED TN BILL: Would Create Criminal Immunity for Driver who Accidently Runs Over Rioter Obstructing Roadway Mar 01, 2021 at 07:46 am by WGNS
Legislation protecting public roadways from mob violence began to move through the committee process last week in Nashville. House Bill 513 promotes law and order by increasing penalties for those who obstruct a roadway and creates new criminal offenses for those who participate in rioting.
House Bill 513 increases the penalty for obstructing a highway or other passage way to a Class E felony with a mandatory fine of $3,000. Currently, the offense carries a maximum $500 fine.
This new bill would create criminal immunity for a driver who unintentionally kills someone who is blocking a road. State Representative Ron Gant from Rossville, TN stated…
Over the past few years, state government budgets suffered by finally having to more accurately disclose the unfunded liabilities and current costs for