Bright Eyes Dog Rescue was founded in January 2010, based on a dream to offer something for dogs that through no fault of their own were either abandoned, abused, feral, injured or surrendered and in need of loving and caring homes. As the 100 per cent volunteer-based membership has grown, so too has the commitment to these precious dogs. BEDR is delighted to have found homes for over 2,000 dogs and puppies, and still counting. The rescue takes each abandoned, abused or injured dog and places them into a foster home with a family where it is given much love and attention, and also socialized, before the search for its forever home begins.
REGINA Volunteers with Bright Eyes Dog Rescue braved the cold throughout the week and traveled all over the province to bring in 28 dogs in just three days. On Monday, the group travelled to Prince Albert to take in a puppy believed to have the highly contagious parvovirus, which causes an infectious gastrointestinal illness in puppies and young dogs. “On Monday we drove down to PA and picked her up. Then by the time we got home Monday night, I had a message from one of our partner communities just outside of Regina,” said Chantal Cattell, the rescue’s director of intake and medical.