Guide by Ed Thorn Senior Staff Writer Published on 13 May, 2021
Resident Evil Village has plenty of puzzles to solve, many of which can be quite difficult to figure out. One of these puzzles comes in the form of a piano, and it s not immediately obvious what you re meant to do. Below I ll explain
how to solve the Piano Puzzle in Resident Evil Village.
Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle: How to solve the Piano Puzzle
Once you ve entered the Opera House in Resident Evil Village, you ll be faced with a Piano Puzzle. Essentially, it s a case of playing the right musical notes to match the sheet music.
Play the tune correctly to get the key.
As you explore Castle Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village, you’ll eventually come across a piano puzzle that requires you to play the right keys according to the sheet music. While it seems complicated at first, it’s not that complex. You don’t have to be a skilled musician or know anything about reading sheet music to solve this puzzle. It’s as simple as lining up the dots. You’ll get a very useful reward for playing the tune correctly, too. Here’s how to solve the piano puzzle in Resident Evil Village.