Sursa foto: DPA
The products marketed by the Romanian manufacturers of medical masks and personal protective equipment are safe, of proper quality, and meet the Covid-19 safety and protection requirements, says the general director of the National Consumer Protection Authority (ANPC) Paul Anghel, who recommends the domestically made medical or surgical masks over the mask-type import products which are in fact just facial covers for use for in-person interactions . The checks performed as part of the specific control actions regarding the observance of the legal provisions for the sale of masks revealed that the domestic producers of medical items and personal protective equipment (CN Romarm SA - Bucharest, Valrom Industrie SRL, Inox SA - Ilfov, Global Treat SRL - Galati, Secor Ppbags SRL - Prahova, Alison Hayes Romania SRL - Ialomita, Techtex SRL - Bihor) have put on the national market safe products that comply with the legislation in force and meet the general safety requireme