Martin Kennedy MARTIN KENNEDY will stand unchallenged for the job of NFU Scotland president next February, the union has confirmed. With no-one stepping up to take him on, the two-term vice-president s promotion to the top job is now just a matter of ratification by the union s council at its virtual agm, where he will succeed Andrew McCornick who has held the office for four years, the maximum term allowed under the union’s constitution. However, with Mr Kennedy s move up and his colleague Charlie Adam s decision not to stand again, there are two vice-presidential posts up for grabs, and there will be a contest for them, with four contenders nominated. They are:
ANY claim that the Westminster government is a de facto English Government is undeniable. It is also beyond peradventure that the parliament itself is a de facto English Parliament stuffed to the gunnels with a vast majority of English Tory MPs who have no objection, when it suits, for it to be named the UK Parliament, or hide their English nationalism behind the names of the other countries the letters UK are supposed to represent. When Reuters reports that “the UK warns it may not buy electricity from an independent Scotland”, it is quite simply a naked English government threat to Scotland, masquerading as one from a United Kingdom – a threat that is not supported by Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. So much for Tory extreme right-wing, blood-and-soil English nationalist ideas of what democracy should really mean when they have conned the English public into voting for them to have the whip hand in such matters.