Photograph By Thompson Citizen files With several recent instances of people in Thompson reporting on social media that they have found used syringes outside or in public areas of apartment buildings, the Northern Regional Health Authority (NRHA) is reminding residents how to safely deal with discarded needles. If you find a needle, you should pick it up by the plunger end where it’s not sharp, wearing gloves or using tongs or pliers to protect yourself, says Courtney Almas, a public health nurse and the NRHA’s sexually transmitted, blood borne infections and harm reduction co-ordinator. The needles should then be deposited in a hard-sided container and the container labelled “sharps.” It can then be taken to any NRHA facility or a public needle container for disposal. If the container can not be taken for disposal immediately, it should be stored where it can’t be reached by children or pets. Needles should not be placed in household garbage or rec