Photo by Lauren Greenfield ’87
When Noah Evers ’22 ran into problems with his final project for Psychology 15 (“Social Psychology”) during the spring 2020 semester, he went not to his professor for advice, but to his grandmother.
It wasn’t a bad idea. Psychologist Patricia Marks Greenfield ’62, Ph.D. ’66, who frequently babysat him as a child, holds the title Distinguished Professor at UCLA, where she has taught since 1974. Evers asked if she knew of any theories that could help ground his research on how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced independence and interdependence across the country. She recommended her own theory of social change, cultural evolution, and human development.”
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The Washington Post has chosen the day of the Jewish New Year to publish one of the most disingenuous opinion pieces we’ve seen in a long time. While Patricia Marks Greenfield sounds eminently reasonable in calling for equal rights for all in Israel, she stops short of telling the reader what she is really calling for – the end of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people.
According to her:
it seems more important than ever to state two things clearly and forcefully: Israel is a full-fledged multiethnic, multireligious society, and it must provide equal legal and day-to-day treatment to all its citizens, no matter their ethnic or religious background. Unfortunately, this is not the case for those who are Arab or Ethiopian or whose religion is Muslim or Christian.