Orient Black Swan
Bangladesh is one of the Asian countries making great strides in terms of economic development. But how did it reach this stage from its blood-tinged independence in 1971?
Bangladesh at 50 offers a multitude of perspectives on how Bangladesh earned its name as a growing economy and the possible challenges that might beset the country s social, economic, and political structures. It also provides a glimpse into the dizzying intersection among NGOs, corporations, militancy, environment, and gender.
ONCE MORE INTO THE PAST: Essays personal, public, and literary
Daily Star Books
Beginning with a childhood spent falling in love with Tagore in the simpler days of secular Old Dhaka and a richly stocked British Council library, Fakrul Alam moves on to strife-ridden days of the liberation war, dissent on the Dhaka University campus, and his experience of working with, and writing about literary greats, from Jibanananda Das, Marx, and Shakespea