03/07/2021, 6:00 am
Aberdeen beach is going to form part of a refreshed masterplan for the city, backed with £150m of public funding.
Several thousand Aberdonians have made their voices heard over the last few weeks – with a £150 million refresh of the Granite City on the line. But Alastair Gossip asks whether more weight should be placed on the views of the schoolchildren the city is being refreshed for…
More than 8,000 people took part in an online consultation which could shape the future of Union Street, the city centre and beach, and surrounding areas.
But now, community leaders have levelled criticism at the public poll for being too complicated – with calls for more to be done to involve Aberdeen youngsters in decision-making around the decades-long plan.
Updated: May 17, 2021, 5:00 pm
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Anger has erupted in a quiet Aberdeen community after “unauthorised” imported granite slabs were used when rebuilding a wall.
The bricks atop the refurbished wall along the Spital have been described as “damaging” to the surrounding Old Aberdeen Conservation Area.
The owners of the property in question insist that the changes were made as the wall was at risk of collapsing and posed a threat to passersby.
Police called to break up student parties at Aberdeen University halls as term ends
Updated: 18/12/2020, 6:31 pm
New Carnegie Court, Hillhead Student Village, Aberdeen.
Police have revealed they were called to a rising number of house parties at Aberdeen University student accommodation before term broke up and young people headed home.
An officer who attended a meeting of Old Aberdeen Community Council during the week indicated that call-outs had increased during a two-week spell at the end of November.
Shortly after students arrived in the city for the start of the academic year in September there were mass outbreaks as dozens tested positive at the Hillhead halls.