Episode 223 2021 Predictions with Vaughn Tan
Aired: Friday, December 18th 2020
HOSTED BY Jennifer Leuzzi
Following Tech Bites tradition, the last show of the year is a look into the future. Tech Bites host Jennifer Leuzzi talks with Vaughn Tan, a London-based strategy consultant, author, and professor at University College London’s School of Management about his predictions for 2021. He specializes in designing organizations that are resilient to and benefit from uncertainty and has spent over a decade working with the food and beverage industry. Vaughn is the recent author of The Uncertainty Mindset: Innovation Insights from the Frontiers of Food a behind-the-scenes travelogue of some the best restaurants in the world that also explains how to build more innovative and adaptable businesses. This episode of Tech Bites is made possible by the generosity of Apeel Sciences, a plant-based shield to help extend the shelf-life of pr