Photography4 weeks ago
After Following Starlings For 3 Months, This Irish Photographer Captures An Incredible Murmuration In The Shape Of A Huge Bird
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In the movie Finding Nemo, a school of fish snapped into a formation that resembled a much larger fish. Photographer James Crombie caught that sort of thing happening in real life; however, instead of a flock of fish, he managed to catch a flock of starlings over Lough Ennell in County Westmeath, Ireland in a truly magical sight.
James Crombie was recently named photographer of the year by the Press Photographers Association of Ireland. James’s main forte is sports photography, but with extra time over the past year, given the pandemic and various sports events being canceled, he has turned some of his attention to nature photography too.
Frontals is a series of bird photos I have been collecting for over ten years. When you get the time to take a series of pictures of one single bird, you will always have one or two frontals in between. I realized from the start that they made the birds look completely different. From that moment on, I decided to focus on it and make sure I would have at least one frontal in each series. Some birds start to look like angry birds, some funny or even ridiculous.
Especially waders change completely as they tend to have long bills not visible from the front. I am familiar with the species, but when you don’t know them, frontals can hide extreme characteristics of the birds. In owls and birds of prey, frontals are basically the normal way of looking at you, so they are only fun when they twist their heads. I think only spoonbills are really much prettier when they show their great bill with yellow spots and tufted head.