Nagpur, India – April 21, 2021 was an ordinary night at Sushila’s house in Nagpur in western India’s Maharashtra state. In the bathroom, a bucket filled up with hot water in preparation for the 93-year-old’s sponge bath; in the kitchen, her night-time beverage – a pot of milk – boiled on the stove, nearly spilling over; and in the bedroom, her blood-pressure medicines were laid out neatly on the bedside table.
Bindu , the professional caregiver who sees to Sushila through the night, navigated the two-bedroomed house with familiarity, as she tended to the elderly woman she fondly calls Ajji Bai (meaning
Grandmother-Madam in Marathi).
Apr 11, 2021 at 6:10AM
The pharmacy industry has undergone massive changes in the last few years. The economics of operating a brick-and-mortar business in an increasingly online world along with shifting incentives in the healthcare industry have forced the major brands to come up with a new strategy. One company is betting it can continue being a retail stop in the healthcare journey.
With 21,000 locations in 11 countries,
Alliance (NASDAQ:WBA) has been trying to solidify its place as a leader in the new landscape. There are things to be optimistic about. The company has made deals to focus on its stores, and it recently introduced a new CEO with a history of retail success. With the stock down 32% over the past five years, Wall Street seems skeptical about the future. Could a turnaround be on the horizon, or is it time for shareholders to let go?