Hudson Reporter
Police use dummy packages to nab porch thieves
The fake packages are equipped with GPS tracking devices ×
Dummy packages are disguised as real packages and left on porches to nab thieves. Photo by WoodysPhotos for Shutterstock.
The Bayonne Police Department (BPD) has recently launched an initiative to deter package thefts occurring throughout the city, especially during the holiday season.
The BPD has utilized “dummy” packages equipped with GPS tracking devices to assist in catching package thieves. The initiative is being overseen by the Bayonne Police Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P.) Unit in coordination with the Bayonne Police Detective Bureau.
Hudson County View
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
The initiative is being overseen by the Bayonne Police Community Oriented
Policing (COP) Unit in coordination with the Bayonne Police Detective Bureau, according to Police Capt. Eric Amato.
The initiative involves officers placing the “dummy” packages on porches or stoops at random locations as if they had been recently delivered. Officers then set up surveillance of the package and wait for a thief to strike.
On December 15th, Rose Doria, 53, of Jersey City was taken into custody from the area of 58th Street and John F. Kennedy Boulevard after she was observed behaving suspiciously in the area of the dummy package.