Sikh Heritage Month: Minister Aheer
Leela Sharon Aheer, Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women, issued the following statement on Sikh Heritage Month:
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“The first Sikhs arrived in Alberta more than 100 years ago. This history ranges from Sohan Singh Bhullar and Harnam Singh Hari, two of the first Sikh pioneers in Alberta, to the Sikhs of today who are leaders in business, politics, academics and community leadership.
“The hard work and dedication of the Sikh community has helped build this province into the wonderful place it is today. In April, we recognize Sikh Heritage Month to celebrate the history of Albertans of Sikh heritage and show our appreciation for the contributions they have made to our vibrant culture and communities.
International Women’s Day: Minister Aheer | Journée internationale des droits des femmes : Ministre Aheer
Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women Leela Sharon Aheer issued the following statement on International Women’s Day:
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“On International Women’s Day, we join countries around the world to celebrate women and all of their accomplishments.
“Alberta has a strong history of women paving the way for future generations. We have women like the Famous Five, who fought for women to be included as ‘persons’ in law; and Nellie Carlson, a founding member and president of Indian Rights for Indian Women, an organization founded to work for the repeal of discriminatory sections of the
Bodhi Day: Statement from Minister Aheer
Leela Sharon Aheer, Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women, issued the following statement on Bodhi Day:
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“More than 2,500 years ago, Siddhartha Gautama sat under the Bodhi tree in India. He vowed to stay under the tree until he reached enlightenment. Bodhi Day commemorates the moment he saw the morning star at dawn and became Buddha, the ‘Awakened One.’
“For Buddhists in Alberta and around the world, this is a time to reflect on the core values of Buddhism. Embracing kindness, humility and compassion for all people are the foundation of Buddhist beliefs, and a lesson we can all reflect on today.