En la época del calentamiento global, debemos contar nuestras bendiciones como uno de los cinco países con los mayores índices de lluvia en el planeta. Portar el paraguas como parte de nuestra diaria vestimenta es un privilegio en un mundo donde el vital líquido escasea cada vez más.
With each carefully curated shot of her camera, Lirica Castañeda reveals a different perspective of beauty. By drawing inspiration from her own dreams and the lived experiences of people of color, this DIY photographer reflects our world in a more vibrant light. Castañeda explores themes of ethnic difference and increases representation in art by photographing models of all backgrounds. Her trademark style utilizes popping colors and delicate portraiture to tell a glamorous story of diversity with each photo. The result is a body of work that draws the eye and enlivens the mind. Castañeda’s thirst for creation and eye for detail pushes her to new heights every time she picks up a camera.