Staff Writer
WHEELING Despite significant losses in revenues halfway through the fiscal year, the city of Wheeling has remained in good shape financially, thanks in large part to federal CARES Act funds.
Even without the federal CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act reimbursements allocated monthly by the state of West Virginia, the city of Wheeling’s finances are still relatively solid. While expected revenue losses from pandemic-related economic impacts have sent many line items into the red, the losses are balancing out with increases in other areas thanks to surging tax revenues from construction projects, as well as increases in sales tax and property tax revenues.
Governor Mills: We need to keep the ship of state steady as we weather this storm.
January 8, 2021
State government cannot be all things to all people all the time. Nor can it solve all the problems or address all the needs of the people of the state. But during emergencies such as the current pandemic, the people need to depend on us in state government to protect children, to secure health care, to safeguard educational and vocational opportunities and protect the most vulnerable of our citizens.
Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills.
At the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, we responded with fiscal pragmatism to immediately stabilize the state budget and to curtail spending.
AUGUSTA Governor Janet Mills submitted Friday to the Legislature a supplemental budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2021 and a biennial budget proposal for Fiscal Years 2022-2023 that focus on maintaining vital services and increasing savings without creating new programs.
The budgets are balanced as required by the Constitution and continue efficiencies, good fiscal management and curtailments to cover projected revenue shortfalls for all three fiscal years, according to a news release.
The budgets do not change Maine tax rates and do not dip into the Budget Stabilization Fund; in fact they add to the state’s savings in order to preserve a solid financial foundation for the State, the release noted.