Foundation Home Loans has launched a ‘Green Reward’ remortgage for landlords.
The 5-year fixed-rate mortgage for landlord borrowers is available on a remortgage-only basis on private rental sector properties which have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘C’ or above.
The EPC should be dated within the last 12 months, except for listed properties which are not eligible.
For those that qualify, Foundation is offering a 3.75% rate up to 75% LTV, with £750 cashback on completion plus a reduced fee of 0.75%.
Foundation hopes the product will act as a catalyst to support the reduction of the carbon footprint from UK residential properties.
Specialist lender Foundation Home Loans has launched a ‘green reward’ BTL product for properties that have a higher energy performance rating. This five-year fixed rate deal is available on a remortgage-only basis to rental properties with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘C’ or above. All rental