Nancy Stevens Fuller MANCHESTER CENTER Nancy Stevens Fuller, daughter of Elizabeth and Henry Stevens, died Dec. 29, 2020: a painter, a potter, a quilter, a gardener, a needle pointer, an athlete, a sister, a mother, a grandmother and a friend. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 15, 1931, Nancy grew up in Dover, Massachusetts, attended the Winsor School and Middlebury College. Following college graduation, she married classmate Warren D. Fuller of Springfield, Massachusetts. Together, Nancy and Warren were fierce partners. Whether on the paddle or tennis court, on a company trip, attending to the needs of family or socializing with friends, Nancy and Warren were equally zealous. Their court game was symbolic of their life together. They devoured life and they loved spending time with friends and family. Before Nancy’s death she said, “it’s about loyalty.” Nancy attacked new projects fearlessly, thoroughly and thoughtfully. One must never forget she was a ginger and her redh