February 8 2021, 11:51 am | BY Ricki Green | 22 Comments
Uber Eats has recruited comedian and creator of Borat, Sacha Baron Cohen, alongside Australian tennis icons world number one Ash Barty and Nick Kyrios to feature in this year’s Australian Open campaign, ‘Tonight, I’ll Be Eating for Love’ via Special Group Australia.
‘Tonight I’ll Be Eating for Love’ is centred on an entirely new character created by Cohen, a Rogue Umpire, who is constantly sabotaging the game in order to maintain love on the scoreboard during tennis matches featuring Barty and Kyrios.
While the Rogue Umpire (Cohen) tries to keep love on the scoreboard Uber Eats will post a promo code on their Instagram to unlock free menu items at selected restaurant partners every time the point score is love during the Australian Open. When there is no longer love in the point score, the code disappears. Throughout the tournament there will be thousands of opportunities to win free menu items (deli
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Subscriber only A young man who was caught breaking the law twice in two months while on his Learner licence, fronted Gladstone Magistrates Court on Friday. Keenan Mark Pierce, 18, pleaded guilty to two counts of driving unaccompanied while holding a learner licence and two counts of not displaying his learner plates correctly. Police prosecutor Merrilyn Hoskins detailed the facts of Pierce s case to the court and Acting Magistrate John Milburn. At 9.50am on October 20 last year, police patrolling Gladstone Central intercepted Pierce driving a vehicle with his girlfriend as a passenger, and she only had her learner s permit at the time.