Facebook-owned instant messenger WhatsApp, in a petition in Delhi High Court, said that enabling identification of the first originator of information on its platform in India puts end-to-end.
Fact-Check on WhatsApp Privacy Settings | A viral message doing the rounds on social media talks about a "new secret update" in the privacy settings for WhatsApp groups.
MeitY stated that any operations being run in India are subject to the law of the land, and WhatsApp s refusal to comply with the guidelines is clear defiance of a measure whose intent can t be doubted
WhatsApp Sues India Govt: सोशल मीडिया प्लैटफॉर्म्स को लेकर भारत सरकार की गाइडलाइन (social media guidelines) के मुद्दे पर विवाद खत्म होने का नाम नहीं ले रहा है. इसे लेकर फेसबुक (Facebook) के मालिकाना हक वाली मैसेजिंग ऐप व्हाट्सऐप (Whatsapp) कोर्ट पहुंच चुकी है. न्यूज एजेंसी रॉयटर्स की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, व्हाट्सऐप ने भारत सरकार के खिलाफ दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट में एक केस फाइल किया है, जिसमें आज से लागू होने वाले नये आईटी नियमों को रोक
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New update doesn t change privacy of personal messages: WhatsApp responds to GOI letter
Messaging app WhatsApp on Monday apprised the Government of India (GOI) that its recent update does not change the privacy of people s personal messages. We have responded to the Government of India s letter and assured them that the privacy of users remains our highest priority. As a reminder, the recent update does not change the privacy of people s personal messages. Its purpose is to provide additional information about how people can interact with businesses if they choose to do so, said a WhatsApp spokesperson.
The messaging app clarified that it will not limit the functionality of services and would continue to remind users from time to time about the updates.