DittoHouse, the Cleveland-based textile brand founded in 2015 by textile designer Molly Fitzpatrick, recently joined forces with Trama Textiles of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala to launch a colorful new textile collection. Dubbed the Woven Collaboration, the new series leverages one of the earliest methods of weaving – a backstrap loom. The Wolven Collection includes nine pieces that were designed by both the DittoHouse and woven by women that are a part of the 100% worker-owned and worker-run cooperative that is Trama Textiles.
Molly Fitzpatrick commented on the new collaboration, stating: Iʼm thrilled to partner with Trama Textiles for many reasons: they are the best weavers in the world and dedicated preservationists of their craft and culture, the organization is founded and run by Indigenous women and 100% worker owned – they are a model of “what could be” in American business – an organized, empowering, sustainable cooperative. The group is incredibly community-min