By Andreas Yilma, Staff Writer
Brian Plourde, an engineer from GR Engineering, speaks to the Naugatuck Inland Wetlands Commission on April 7 during a hearing at Town Hall. –ANDREAS YILMA
NAUGATUCK The Inland Wetlands Commission on April 7 closed a hearing on an application associated with developing a parcel of land on Prospect Street that has provoked an outcry from the public.
The proposal’s fate is still to be determined.
The commission did not vote on the application last week and had 35 days from the hearing to make a decision.
“This really is very, very important to us,” Commission Chairman Tracy DeBarber said. “A very important job, we want to make sure it’s done right.”
By Andreas Yilma, Staff Writer
Naugatuck officials plan to move the Naugatuck Probate Court from Town Hall to this building at 150 Meadow St. -JIM SHANNON/REPUBLICAN-AMERICAN
NAUGATUCK Officials are planning to move the Naugatuck Probate Court office to a building on Meadow Street to free up some space at Town Hall.
The Board of Mayor and Burgesses on April 6 authorized Mayor N. Warren “Pete” Hess to sign a lease to rent space for the court in the mixed-use building at 150 Meadow St. owned by Robert Matusz.
The borough will pay $33,600 in rent annually for five years with an additional five-year option, said Hess, who anticipated signing the lease in the next couple of weeks after finalizing the details.
By Andreas Yilma, Staff Writer
NAUGATUCK â The Board of Mayor and Burgesses on March 2 approved a new ordinance that gives officials the power to extend water lines and divvy up the cost among property owners.
Under the ordinance, the cost of extending a water line in residential areas will be divided among property owners based on the number lots capable of being served by the water main and abutting it.
In industrial and commercial zones, the cost will be divided among each property owner abutting the main on a case-by-case basis based on a front footage or âother equitable basis,â the ordinance states.
ICYMI: Rhode Island was up to 114,438 confirmed coronavirus cases on Friday, after adding 550 new cases. The most-recent overall daily test-positive rate was 2.9 percent, and the first-time positive rate was 17 percent. The state announced 10 more deaths, bringing the total to 2,154. There were 324 people in the hospital, and 66,778 residents had received the first dose of the vaccine.
Gina Raimondo sure knows how to go out with a bang.
Rhode Island and the rest of the region is expected to get walloped by a snowstorm that will begin this morning and has already forced many school districts to move to distance learning. Raimondo has also banned all tractor-trailers, except those carrying emergency supplies, from traveling on state roads.
By Andreas Yilma, Staff Writer
NAUGATUCK The borough is one step closer to installing a combined heat and power (CHP) system at Naugatuck High School.
The Board of Mayor and Burgesses Dec. 1 voted, 9-1, to enter into a lease agreement with Saulsbury Hill Financial, LLC, to pay for the project. The borough board and Board of Education previously approved installing the system.
Under the plan, four CHP units will be installed in the school’s boiler room. Each unit has a natural gas engine that spins a generator which produces electricity with a byproduct of waste heat. The units will be connected to the boilers via a heat exchanger. The units will work in the first position and the boilers will be secondary.