Ainsley Boothe, left, and Fami Ahmed DRUG dealers were caught red-handed selling crack cocaine and heroin to people on a street corner.
Bolton Crown Court heard how 18-year-old Fami Ahmed still had wraps of the drugs in his hands when officers swooped on the hired Audi A1 car he and his accomplice Ainsley Boothe had parked up. Several phones were also found and over £1,000 in cash. The pair were both jailed after admitting possession with intent to supply. Kelly Cyples, prosecuting, told how police, on an operation designed to tackle drug dealing in the School Hill on February 16, were patrolling the area when they spotted the Audi at 5.45pm.
GUILTY: Oliver Khosravi A TEENAGER who carried out a series of street robberies has admitted his guilt and will be sentenced in May. Oliver Khosravi, aged 18, appeared via a video link at Bolton Crown Court as well as a 15-year-old boy who was his accomplice in one of the crimes. The pair were arrested following incidents on October 3 last year after police received reports of an assault on a 33-year-old man in Moor Lane, Bolton and then, later that day, a robbery in Northgate Close, Horwich, where a 28-year-old man was robbed, at knifepoint, of his bank card. Khosravi, of Nuffield Close, Kearsley, pleaded guilty to robbery and possessing a knife in a pathway next to Chorley New Road Primary School, Horwich.
Mum s shock after Bolton pervert acts as childminder for son A PERVERT awaiting sentence for sending sick pictures of children being abused kept his crimes secret from family friends. Gary Jee even spent the night at the home of a couple and their 10-year-old son, looking after the boy alone the next day while his parents were at work. On October 1 last year, while awaiting sentence, Jee was placed on the sex offenders register, which required the 47-year-old to provide details of any address where he was staying for more than 12 hours and a child lives. Thomas Worsfold, prosecuting, told Bolton Crown Court that, during the appointment at the police station to complete the registration details Jee told officers that he did not have any friends and led an isolated life .