Svatko se za prirodu i protiv klimatskih promjena bori na svoj najbolji način, a veteran domaće stand-up komedije Pedja Bajović čini to - smijehom i zove na akciju!
The gradual easing of coronavirus restrictions is seeing live, in-club stand-up comedy making a comeback, among all the other cultural events. Well-traveled US comic Rachman Blake, who, while he first ended up having to extend his stay in Estonia due to lock-down, is now not only remaining voluntarily, but also bringing his brand of top-notch English-language comedy and his observations of living here.
In HBO Maxâs new series
Hannah Einbinderâs character Ava is introduced at a rock-bottom moment in her nascent comedy career. Sitting inside her managerâs office after a flippant tweet rendered her canceled on social media and unhirable in Hollywood, Ava considers jumping out the window.
The manager, played by series cocreator
Paul W. Downs, objects.
âYouâd probably just break your legs because of the fifth-floor terrace,â he says coolly. âBut if youâre seriousâ¦â Iâm not,â she assures the manager. If she were, she reminds him, âI told you how Iâd kill myself a million times: Iâd wear a suicide vest on
Bob Marley and the Ghanaian Youth Listen to article
Last week we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the death of Reggae Legend Bob Marley and as a huge fan, I felt like writing something about a man who died when I was not born but yet had a great influence on my life and the way I think and sees things. Then again there are so many things running through my head as a young Ghanaian. It is for this reason I expect all young Ghanaians to reflect on the impact Bob Marley had on the world. Through his music, he inspired revolutions, he conscientize men of great thought and gave the world an anthem for love with his song titled One Love. Bob Marley (in his song One Love) pleaded with mankind to get together and feel all right in one love and with one heart without prejudice, suspicions and hate.