Irregularities of Rs1804m detected in kidney institute
April 6, 2021
PESHAWAR: Serious irregularities and misappropriation of Rs 1804 million have been detected in the audit report of the Institute of Kidney Diseases (IKD) Peshawar from 2018 to 2020. The Director Genral Audit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as prepared 30 advanced audit paras in February 2021 and submitted its report. The lapse occurred due to weak internal controls over the affairs of management of the institution. Audit recommends the matter to be enquired at an appropriate level for fixing responsibility, recovery of the loss sustained to the government along overhauling the record of other procurements. The audit report also revealed illegal recruitments as opposed to merit. According to records, Dr. Nasir Orakzai was the director of the hospital at the time.