Kgetlengrivier shows citizens are reclaiming power in 1989 reprise - Businesslive
28 February 2021 - There was an early 1980s joke about a South African abroad meeting someone from Lebanon and being staggered to learn that the man lived in Beirut, then well into its more than a decade of hellish civil strife, car bombs and almost constant gunfire, senseless death and perpetual fear.
Michael Morris
There was an early 1980s joke about a South African abroad meeting someone from Lebanon and being staggered to learn that the man lived in Beirut, then well into its more than a decade of hellish civil strife, car bombs and almost constant gunfire, senseless death and perpetual fear.
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Harlem’s 1946 fight against South African starvation foreshadowed anti-apartheid struggle February 24, 2021 1:04 PM CDT By W. Alphaeus Hunton
Food is piled up on the front of a stage as Alphaeus Hunton addresses 4,000 people at Abyssinian Baptist Church to open the South African famine relief campaign in 1946. Josh Lawrence, Paul Robeson, Rev. Shelton Bishop, and Adam C. Powell Sr. are seated behind the cans and bags of food. | Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture / New York Public Library, Astor | At right, Daily Worker coverage of the event. / People s World Archives
Green leader James Shaw, Rotorua mayor Steve Chadwick take aim at David Seymour over Māori wards-apartheid comparison
26 Feb, 2021 02:50 AM
3 minutes to read
Act Party leader David Seymour and Green Party co-leader James Shaw. Photos / Andrew Warner and Mark Mitchell
Act Party leader David Seymour and Green Party co-leader James Shaw. Photos / Andrew Warner and Mark Mitchell
Green Party co-leader James Shaw says Act Party leader David Seymour should apologise over comments comparing new Māori ward legislation to apartheid in South Africa.
Rotorua mayor Steve Chadwick has also weighed in on the issue, saying Seymour should become relevant .
Shaw was in Rotorua on Friday visiting Crown research institute Scion, Te Arawa fisheries and Rotorua Lakes Council, where he discussed the council s recently approved Climate Change Action Plan.
There’s a wall in “Mandela: Struggle for Freedom” that will seem especially familiar to Americans viewing this recently opened exhibition. Black-and-white public restroom signs spell out “Black Male Toilets” and “White Female Toilets.” Green signs bear the red cross, international symbol of neutrality and medical assistance, but one points right, toward the “European Hospital,” one left, .