African Cardinal: Affirmative Action Is ‘Racial Discrimination’ Like Apartheid
7 Mar 2021
South African Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier slammed preferential “Black Economic Empowerment” as “racial discrimination” Sunday, saying such favoritism smacks of apartheid.
Cardinal Napier, the archbishop of Durban, wrote on Twitter that Affirmative Action, Black Economic Empowerment and even Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment are all forms of racial discrimination “on a par with apartheid policies” that also favored another group by race.
The cardinal put his assertion in the form of a “Lenten Resolution”: to give up on trying to figure out how preferential treatment for blacks based on skin color can be anything other than discrimination.
1731st, 1732nd Plenary Meetings of General Assembly: 23rd Session Preview Language: Original 02-Dec-1968 00:31:03 The General Assembly discusses the Internationsl Year for Human Rights, the policies of apartheid in South Africa, the problem of the human environment, and vote on two draft resolutions at the 1731st and 1732nd plenary meetings of the 23rd session.
Available Language: Original
Back of the Moon still, courtesy of The Bomb / Videovision Entertainment
Director/co-writer and Oscar nominee Angus Gibson’s
Back of the Moon is another example of why I love PAFF the Pan African Virtual Film + Arts Festival. If not for this festival film buffs like moi probably would never have heard of, let alone had the opportunity to see, this highly entertaining South African movie.
Moon is a gangster film in the way that Jean-Luc Godard’s 1959 New Wave
Breathless is. Sure,
Moon definitely has genre conventions of mobster movies, with references to other crime pictures. For example, the chilling, cunning Ghost (the outstanding Lemogang Tsipa) slashes the nose of a white journalist with a knife, an obvious wink and nod to 1974’s
Andrew Kenny’s weekly column in The Citizen newspaper has built up a strong following over the years – the engineer being appreciated for his forthright and perceptive insights into the tragedy at the State’s electricity utility Eskom. But Kenny has other arrows in his quiver, including a curiosity that took him to Orania, the Afrikaner-only town in the Northern Cape province between Hopetown and Petrusville. Kenny was impressed with the civility of the people and safety of the environment; and intended telling his readers what he had found. Excepting, the editor decided the 400 words would offend The Citizen’s readers, rather ironic considering the newspaper was created and funded by the Apartheid Government. Here’s the column The Citizen doesn’t want you to read – with Kenny’s explanation of what went down. This piece was first published on Politicsweb. – Alec Hogg
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January 1, 2021. My aunt Rasmiya Mohammad, 75, began her year with the news that her grandson, my cousin Harun Abu Aram, had been seriously wounded during an Israeli army raid in the Tiwani village in the South Hebron Hills. It was his birthday, and he was turning 24.
A few hours later, and more than 5,550 miles away, I started my morning in Brooklyn by calling my mother, Rasmiya’s younger sister. I wanted to wish her a happy 2021 and share my hope that this year would be more kind to all of us. Instead, she asked, “Did you see what happened to Harun?” I didn’t need to look far to find out, as footage of Israeli apartheid forces, backed by US money and might, shooting Harun