ChattaNeuter Celebrates 30,000 Spay/Neuter Services Monday, July 5, 2021
This week, ChattaNeuter Spay Neuter Clinic staff celebrated completing their 30,000th spay/neuter service. A key component in preventing pet homelessness, these services are partially funded through local and national donors as well as client donations. The nonprofit clinic provides surgeries and professional care for pets and adoptable dogs and cats housed at Chattanooga area shelters and rescues.
ChattaNeuter opened in 2017 out of a response to the growing need for high-quality spay/neuter services in Chattanooga. On the recent milestone, ChattaNeuter Board President Ann Ball said, “Celebrating 30,000 altered animals is an amazing accomplishment. If each of those animals only had five offspring, it would have meant hundreds of thousands of homeless animals in our city. We have been blessed with a dedicated staff who have done an amazing job.” ChattaNeuter Clinic Director Stefan
KNBN NewsCenter1
May 5, 2021
RAPID CITY, S.D. A hair raising time at the Wine Cellar Restaurant in downtown Rapid City.
The restaurant held it’s first-ever Cinco de Meow, a fundraiser for cat lovers. The event provided a chance to help cats in need, including adoptions and a silent auction. A catwalk on a red carpet was planned to give folks a chance to see the kittens up for adoption strut their stuff, but weather was not very cat friendly. Still, that didn’t stop Cinco de Meow from carrying on.
“The West River Spay and Neuter Coalition, since they opened in 2005, have helped and spayed over 10,000 cats,” said restaurant owner, Christy Land. “All of the funds will go to them and to Jennifer Cramer cats. Nothing’s gonna stay here, so it’s just all for them.”
From staff reports
When her neighbor lost their housing this past spring, a woman in the Cherokee area knew that 20 cats had been left behind without anyone to care for them.
She also knew without stepping in to help, the cats would starve, and anted to make sure that the cats were fed and loved, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue said in a news release.
The woman didn’t know what would become of them if she didn’t step in to help, so she took the 20 cats into her home.
Since none of the cats were spayed or neutered, 20 cats quickly turned into almost 50 cats by this fall, the release says, and the woman reached out to the organization for help.