FAHS hosts first 2021 in-person meeting
A short presentation will be made by the Miami Valley Military History Museum.
Those who missed the Saturday, Feb. 27, presentation by the Miami Valley Military History Museum staff will have a chance to hear about the museum and their desire to relocate to Fairborn.
FAHS members who have not renewed their membership and voted for board members can still do so at the March 14 meeting.
Masks and social distancing are required.
For additional information leave a message at the Fairborn Area Historical Society Facebook page or email Mark Conrad (Miami Valley Military History Museum) at curator@mvmhm.com.
Legends of Fairborn hold digital recognition
By London Bishop - lbishop@aimmediamidwest.com
FAIRBORN As is frequently the case with the year 2020, members of the Fairborn Area Historical Society (FAHS) would have liked to have a more in-person opportunity to recognize the honorees of the Legends of Fairborn project. Instead, the FAHS gathered honorees, their descendants, and other notable members of the community in a Zoom call to conduct the recognition ceremony over the internet.
In total, 21 people were nominated, and the committee selected 10 people for the first year of the program. The names of additional individuals who have contributed to the well-being of the Fairborn community will be selected in future years.