The Nevada County Fairgrounds announced Wednesday that its Board of Directors came to a unanimous decision to hold the Nevada County Fair Aug. 11-15.
According to the announcement, the Fairgrounds also plans to hold its annual Draft Horse Classic Sept. 16-19 and Country Christmas Faire Nov. 26-28.
Patrick Eidman, CEO of the Nevada County Fairgrounds, said Wednesday that the state’s announcement earlier this month about how it plans to move away from the Blueprint for a Safer Economy COVID-19 risk tier system June 15 “presented a real opportunity for us to move forward with our event.”
“We are really looking forward to doing that safely,” said Eidman, adding that the fair may look different this year. “We’re going to keep a close eye on public health guidelines and work with our Public Health Department on how it needs to look, but … the news about June 15 was huge for us.”
Submitted by Wendy Oaks
The Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundation made a generous donation of $100,000 to the Nevada County Fairgrounds and will begin a membership drive for 2021 to continue raising much-needed funds for the Nevada County Fairgrounds.
The donation comes during a year when COVID-19 restrictions on events and gatherings have financially devastated the Nevada County Fairgrounds. With the cancellation of the annual Fair, the Draft Horse Classic, Country Christmas Faire, music festivals and more than a hundred events on the grounds, revenue at the Fairgrounds has been severely impacted.
The Nevada County Fairgrounds Foundation was established in 2005 to fulfill the mission of “building a better Nevada County Fairgrounds through fundraising and contributions to the Fairgrounds.”