The Group s profit before tax amounted to -14,070 ( -3,822) TSEK.
The Group s earnings per share amounted to -0.46 (-0.14).
The average number of shares for the period was 25,366,295. SynAct Pharma AB means the parent company SynAct Pharma AB with corporate registration number 559058-4826. The Company or SynAct means the Group, i.e. SynAct Pharma AB and its wholly owned subsidiary SynAct Pharma ApS.
Earnings per share: Profit for the period divided by the average number of shares outstanding in the period.
Equity/assets ratio: Equity divided by total capital.
Significant events in Q1 2021
On January 11, board member and CSO Thomas Jonassen and CEO Jeppe Øvlesen carried out a restructuring in which the respective holdings of shares in SynAct have transferred to the newly formed company BioInvest ApS.