CAT 2020 Exam Pattern: Overall & Sectional Composition, Scoring pattern, Weightage, CAT Vs other exams
CAT 2020 exam question paper had only 76 questions as against 100 last year. CAT Center at IIM Indore has overahuled complete CAT 2020 exam pattern as compared to last year CAT exam. The exam was scheduled in three slots of Morning, afternoon and evening on same day – Sunday, November 29, 2020. CAT 2020 exam duration was reduced to 120 minutes from last year 180 minutes and sectional time limit was reduced to 40 minutes per section from last year 60 minutes. Read complete CAT 2020 Analysis slot wise
CAT Notification 2020
IIM Indore, the CAT 2020 conducting IIM, has released CAT Notification 2020 on July 29, 2020 digitally through web portals along with the launch of CAT 2020 official website. Professor Harshal Lowalekar, Faculty at IIM Indore, and the Convener of CAT 2020 has taken care to release the CAT notification on time despite Covid-19 pandemic disruptions.
6 days to XAT section-wise strategy: All you need to know
Given below are some tips on how to make a XAT preparation plan.
6 days to XAT section-wise strategy: All you need to know
XAT 2021 will be conducted on Sunday, January 3, 2021. XLRI conducts XAT on behalf of XAMI. For more than 70 years XLRI is conducting XAT at all India level to select the most appropriate students for management education. The XAT score is being used by more than 160 institutes for the admission.
6 days to XAT section-wise strategy: All you need to know
Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning
Major topics covered in XAT syllabus for VARC & LR are - Vocabulary based questions fill in the blanks with correct words; synonyms/antonyms; contextual usage on vocabulary words