9 & 10 News
July 29, 2021
The Stehouwer Free Clinic in Cadillac recently received three grants to help meet the health needs in the community.
The clinic received a $1,900 grant from Great Lakes Energy People’s Fund and a $1,000 grant from the Missaukee Area Community Foundation for referral programs. Blue Cross Blue Shield also awarded a $15,000 grant to be used for overhead expenses.
The clinic says these grants are what keeps their services free.
“It’s wonderful to able to have these grants awarded to us,” said Stehouwer Free Clinic office coordinator Cindy Watkins. “It helps us get through and provide these free services to people who have no insurance, or under insured and meet the poverty guidelines that are part of our criteria.”
The funds came in the form of two grants.
The largest grant, $1,900, comes from the Great Lakes Energy People Fund. The clinic is planning on spending the funds on two major pieces of equipment. One is a multifunctional printer. This will allow us to send and receive clearer medical correspondences between other health care facilities, said Cindy Watkins, the office coordinator and director at the Stehouwer Free Clinic, in a letter announcing the grants.
The second piece of equipment that the clinic will purchase with funds from the Great Lakes Energy People Fund is an illumination system and disposable vaginal specula system, which will help physicians perform lighted pelvic exams when needed.
Gaylord City Police Dept. Welcomes First K-9 Officer
May 6, 2021
The Gaylord City Police Department got an extra special addition to their force on Tuesday, a new K-9 Officer named Zero.
“Ever since I got into law enforcement a couple years ago, it’s been a huge thing I’ve wanted to do,” said K-9 Officer Daniel Goertz, Zero’s handler. “Having someone that’s able to go do stuff that we’re not able to do is a big factor and it helps us do our job.”
Officer Zero comes from Northern Michigan K9, Inc, who trains dogs to become K-9 Officers. He and Officer Goertz spent the month of April training side by side before Zero came in for his first day on the job.