Written by Barb Jennes
The Friends of the Ridgefield Library s traditional indoor book sale has been postponed until summer, but please stop by for the On the Wall pop-up sale during Spring Stroll this weekend!
Cash or charge (over $10) Please remember to wear your mask and observe social distancing Shine only - no event if rain is threatening
On the Wall Book Sale at Ridgefield Library April 30 & May 1 Written by Barbara Jennes
The Friends of the Ridgefield Library s traditional indoor book sale has been postponed until summer, but please stop by for our On the Wall pop-up sale during Spring Stroll this weekend!
Cash or charge (over $10) Please remember to wear your mask and observe social distancing Shine only - no event if rain is threatening
Written by Barb Jennes
Friends of the Ridgefield Library (FORL) a non-profit membership organization dedicated to supporting the activities and mission of the Ridgefield Library seek a part-time Treasurer.
Duties include:
- Reconcile account on a monthly basis and report results at our monthly meetings (first Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m.)
- Pick up and deposit membership checks and cash collected at our semi-annual book sales
- File Sales & Use Taxes and annual Federal 990-EZ form
- Collect member payments for two annual FORL events and pay vendors
- Write checks as needed for expenses related to FORL