Shruti, who is currently in Chennai, also uploaded an Instagram Story with Kamal and wrote, “So good to see Appa after ages and ages. Too busy.”
Meanwhile, Shruti dropped pictures with her rumoured beau Santanu Hazarika in her Instagram Stories. Dressed in the same green and black coloured tee, Shruti clicks a picture while Santanu stands beside her. In another picture, Shruti and Santanu can be seen in each other’s arms while sporting identical gothic masks. She wrote along with the picture, “Chennai Chilling Scenes.”
Check out her pictures:
Santanu is a doodle artist and co-founder of Gauhati Art Project. On her 35th birthday on January 28, the actress had shared loved-up pictures with him. However, the duo have yet to publicly confirm their relationship.
Actress Shruti Haasan has left her fans in confusion. In the recent times, many pictures with Shruti Haasan along with a man have surfaced online. The fans and media sharing pictures were eager to know who the guy was. The first picture was shared on Shruti’s birthday. The actress recently celebrated her 35th birthday. Pictures from the celebration were shared in which we can
The action entertainer Prabhas' Salaar has been in the news since it's inception. The latest news we hear is Prabhas has wrapped up the first schedule of Salaar. They have kick-started the shoot in last week of January and now, they have finished the shoot. Looks like Prabhas might be finishing all his major portions in a single take that's why the makers have completed the
Shruti Haasan: Glad to have wonderful things to do
Published on
Mon, Feb 1 2021 17:51 IST |
Actress Shruti Haasan.. Image Source: IANS
Mumbai, Feb 1 : Actress Shruti Haasan says she feels thankful that she has many wonderful things to do, as a new week starts. #Thankful even though I m sleepy - I m so glad to have wonderful things to do and wake up to #workmode #grumpyfaceglam, Shruti posted on Instagram on Monday.
Last week, Shruti turned 35 and said that she wants her future to be filled with light and creativity. Filled with gratitude and joy !!! This has been the best phase of my life and I m thankful for my lessons and the journey, Shruti wrote on Instagram.