Now Habersham
Survey reveals strong opposition to Clarkesville roundabout
Source: GA DOT [Note: The parcel on this map listed as Southern Bank and Trust is now occupied by Pinnacle Bank.]
Survey results collected by the Georgia Department of Transportation reveal the majority of those who responded do not want a roundabout at the intersection of Ga. 197 and Ga. 385/SR 17 in Clarkesville.
The proposed roundabout would eliminate the four-way stop at the intersection and replace it with a circular, counter-clockwise traffic flow.
According to GDOT, 578 people weighed in on the proposal during the agency’s public comment period that ended on May 24. Of those, 398 (68.74%) said they oppose the project, while 130 (22.45%) said they support the Clarkesville roundabout. Another 47 respondents (8.12%) said they could support a roundabout at that location under certain conditions, while three others (.52%) remained uncommitted.
GDOT inspecting signs after sign over interstate falls
GDOT crews inspecting signs along I-85
After a sign fell last week, Georgia Department of Transportation crews have been inspecting signs along Interstate 85.
ATLANTA - Drivers may have been stuck in traffic the past couple of days a bit longer than usual. Georgia Department of Transporation crews have been inspecting numerous signs after one fell last week over Interstate 85.
GDOT said out of the thousands of miles of highways and the sheer number of signs across the state, something like this is extremely rare. But it did happen and now they want to know exactly how it happened.
GAINESVILLE – Crossing a bridge when you come to it might not only be prudent life-advice, it will soon be something more easily accomplished at one thorny location in Gainesville.
Thanks to the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Quick Response Project Program the narrow bridge on State Route 13 (also known as Atlanta Highway) that spans Flat Creek will soon become pedestrian friendly.
GDOT’s Quick Response Project Program addresses transportation needs such as restriping, intersection improvements, turn lane additions and extensions that can be accomplished in a short period of time and for less than $200,000.
About a year ago Hall County Commissioner Jeff Stowe said he was in communication with the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO) about the dangerous situation on Atlanta Highway where pedestrian traffic was faced with crossing the creek by having to use the vehicular travel lanes.
No reports of ice on Hall County roads but officials urge caution
There are no reports of ice on the roads this morning as of just before 8:30 a.m., according to the Hall County Sheriff’s Office. Officials do urge drivers to be cautious.
Previous story: Some schools and state offices will be delayed Feb. 16 due to the potential of icy roads.
Hall County Schools and Gainesville Schools announced they will delay by two hours.
Black ice is likely late Feb. 15 and through the morning of Feb. 16 across North Georgia, according to the National Weather Service.
Rain will be moving through the area, followed by cold air. With the temperature dropping quickly and humidity remaining high, there won’t be time for roads and bridges to dry and they may then freeze overnight resulting in black ice.