New Canaan’s initiative to encourage healthful and fun family time over the next 30 days can pay dividends in more ways than you might think. But like me, you might be saying to yourself, “Haven’t I just spent the last 12 months cooped up with my family?” While there’s no denying the fact that this pandemic-driven “togetherness” lasted far longer than we ever expected, staying involved and connected with our immediate family is vital to making sure kids feel supported as they venture back into larger social settings. More importantly, time with our kids provides opportunities to check in on their emotional wellbeing.
Michelle Troconis girlfriend of accused wife-killer
Fotis Dulos on Thursday filed a motion seeking to have charges of tampering dismissed. The motion, which doesn’t address a charge of conspiracy to commit murder, focuses on police evidence that Troconis accompanied Fotis Dulos in dumping bags of items, some of which were later found to have
Jennifer Dulos’s blood, at receptacles around Hartford. The body Jennifer Dulos, a mother of five who went missing May 24, 2019, has never been found. In New Canaan, rocks painted in her memory with the message “Justice for Jennifer” continue to be placed around and inside the