Mañana vacunan a los nacidos en 1976 con residencia en Capital
También se vacunará en Andalgalá, Valle Viejo, Recreo, Belén, Bañado de Ovanta y La Merced.
Información General
miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021 · 18:55
El Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia informó el cronograma de vacunación contra el coronavirus para el martes 17.
Grupo etario: 45 años (nacidos en 1976)
-Nodo Predio Ferial: Predio Ferial Catamarca de 8 a 13 horas (letras A-L) y de 14 a 17 horas (letas M-Z).Todas las terminaciones de DNI. Solo residente de CAPITAL
Grupo etario: 49, 48 y 47 años (nacidos en 1972, 1973 y 1974)
-Nodo Andalgalá: Cancha Parroquial de 10 a 14.30 horas. Todas las terminaciones de DNI.
“Accidental” Destruction of Aboriginal Stone Arrangement in Australia
A private landowner has damaged a 1,500-year-old stone eel arrangement near Lake Bolac, Australia. The Kuyang stone monument was shaped into an eel and created before the Europeans arrived in Australia. Kuyang means eel in South West Aboriginal language. The eel stone arrangement has been on private land and owned by one family for 150 years. The site was protected under the Aboriginal Heritage Act which includes considerable penalties for damage to Aboriginal cultural heritage, but Aboriginal representatives demand the government do more to protect their cultural heritage.
Part of the Kuyang stone arrangement site (Neil Murray)
The West Australian Tourism Council calls for a $50 million support package for at-risk tourism businesses badly hit by COVID-19, but Premier Mark McGowan says the industry needs to change its rhetoric and look to the federal government for assistance.
Tourism industry says immediate help needed from WA Government
MonMonday 22
The Tourism Council is calling for a $50 million COVID-19 support package for businesses.
Print text only
Labor s pre-election tourism pledge has left the state s peak industry body wanting, at a time it says many Western Australian business owners are on their knees.
Key points:
Premier Mark McGowan says the industry needs to talk itself up more
Labor has pledged to build an Aboriginal Cultural Centre if re-elected
The WA Tourism Council has called on both Labor and the Liberals to commit $50 million towards a support package for at-risk tourism businesses badly hit by COVID-19.