The Kerala High Court on Friday sought a response from the Centre regarding the time frame within which the Kerala Government would get its share of COVID vaccine doses. The court was hearing a petition challenging the Centr s Liberalised Pricing and Accelerated National COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy (policy) and its suo motu case against overcrowding in front of vaccine centres. The court called for the case to be posted on May 20. The bench of Justices Devan Ramachandran and Kauser Edappagath asked whether it was true that Kerala was receiving 3 lakh vaccine doses against its request for one crore doses (75 lakh doses of Covishield and 25 lakh of Covaxin).
HC directs Centre to inform when Kerala will receive its share of Covid vaccines ANI | Updated: May 08, 2021 00:30 IST
Kochi (Kerala) [India], May 8 (ANI): The Kerala High Court on Friday sought a response from the Centre regarding the time frame within which the Kerala Government would get its share of COVID vaccine doses.
The court was hearing a petition challenging the Centr s Liberalised Pricing and Accelerated National COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy (policy) and its suo motu case against overcrowding in front of vaccine centres. The court called for the case to be posted on May 20.
The bench of Justices Devan Ramachandran and Kauser Edappagath asked whether it was true that Kerala was receiving 3 lakh vaccine doses against its request for one crore doses (75 lakh doses of Covishield and 25 lakh of Covaxin).
India Covid: Highly infectious variants detected in 90% patients in Kerala
Web Report/Thiruvananthapuram Filed on May 7, 2021 | Last updated on May 7, 2021 at 11.56 am
The state will be clamped under a lockdown from Saturday as a worried government takes measures to battle the crisis.
The Covid crisis in Kerala is turning critical, with the state recording the highest single-day spike of 42,464 new cases on Thursday, taking the active tally to 390,906. With 63 deaths, the total has gone up to 5,628.
According to the official data cited by the media, variants of the virus have been detected in 90 per cent of the cases and get transmitted from one person to three people through contact. The worst-hit districts in the state are Ernakulam and Thrissur, which are reporting an average of 50 deaths daily.