Once the Senate returns from its latest recess, the world’s greatest deliberative body will take up a Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act for a Trump era rule which aided working class Americans in obtaining access to financial instruments. Progressives are so blinded by hatred for banking institutions, they are giving Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) a platform to rail against the industry and to advocate for further government intervention in the sector. For this attack on liberty and the working class to be successful, the Democrats only need one Republican to validate this effort at extremism by voting with them.
Corporates join hands to empower 1 million small merchants with financial, digital capabilities
May 08, 2021
Pilot rollout to 50,000 merchants
SnapBizz, a Ratan Tata backed retail digitization start-up, Samhita-CGF’s REVIVE Alliance, a blended finance facility restoring Covid-19-affected livelihoods of entrepreneurs, Nielsen and leading national banks are collaborating to provide small merchants with financial and digital capabilities. The project aims at improving business outcomes of a million small merchants whose businesses have been disrupted by the second Covid wave.
The collaboration has kicked off with a pilot rollout to 50,000 merchants over the next 45 days, which will be further scaled to 1 million merchants with net incomes of ₹20,000- ₹25,000/month who typically run 500 sq ft stores , providing them with easy access to working capital and supply chain.
Retirees and other investors looking for predictable passive income streams have long turned to dividend stocks — which look even better now that it's a struggle to get a 1% yield on a.