Mary and Mike are joined by Alicia to learn about how we can communicate, even when we speak different languages. Mary and Alicia read a book in both Spanish and English. Mike meets Estela and learns a song in Spanish. And Mary travels to a farm to learn all about llamas and alpacas. Join us in being curious about how we can communicate through language, music, and even with animals!
SED1.2 Developing self-esteem and confidence
CLLD1.1 Understanding verbal and nonverbal cues
CLLD2.3 Paying attention to print
CLLD2.4 Understanding ideas, vocabulary and information in stories and texts
CD1.1 Paying attention to the natural world
CD2.3 Learning about differences
CD4.2 Learning about and through music
CD4.4 Using visual arts media to develop skills and express thoughts and feelings
National Standards for Music Education
Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments
Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
Image: VPM
Episode 9 - Mary and Mike travel to the Music Resource Center in Charlottesville to meet up with the author, Marc Boston and the musician, Tevin White. Marc shares his beautiful children’s book, inspired by his own daughter. And Tevin shares a special song that he wrote, inspired by Marc’s book. Together, we learn how to stop carrying so much stuff!
VA Unified Early Learning and Development Standards
APL1.1 Being curious learners
APL3.2 Building working memory
CLLD2.3 Paying attention to print
CLLD2.4 Understanding ideas, vocabulary and information in stories and texts
CD4.2 Learning about and through music
Image: VPM
Episode 7 - Mary and Mike stay up late to explore the magic and music of nighttime. We sing songs about the beauty of night and a young pianist plays Clair de Lune under the light of the moon. Our friend, Dr. Lerdau, teaches us about nighttime creatures who are making music of their own: owls, crickets, and even plants! Enjoy a lovely evening with us as we discover the simple beauty of our surroundings.
VA Unified Early Learning and Development Standards
APL1.1 Being curious learners
APL3.2 Building working memory
CLLD1.1 Understanding verbal and nonverbal cues
HPD2.1 Developing large muscle control
Image: VPM
Episode 6 - Have you ever wondered how music transforms from notes on a page to something so beautiful it can touch our souls? Mike travels to Harrisonburg, VA to meet a pianist from Brazil, who teaches us about the music of Brazil and performs a lively piece on the piano. Mary guides us in moving our bodies to all of the different musical sounds and we learn to sing a children’s folk song in Portuguese.
VA Unified Early Learning and Development Standards
APL1.1 Being curious learners
SED1.2 Developing self-esteem and confidence
HPD2.1 Developing large muscle control
HPD2.2 Exploring the environment