Veteran actor Dilip Kumar got admitted to Mumbai s Hinduja hospital on Sunday morning. The 98-year-old actor complained of breathlessness. Many celebrities from the film fraternity including actor Manoj Bajpayee and actress Urmila Matondkar took to their social media and wished the legendary actor.
Earlier in the day, veteran actor was admitted to non-Covid PD Hinduja Hospital Khar for routine tests and investigations, following his episodes of b.
The Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, has stressed the necessity of handing over the accused, Ahmed Haroun, to the ICC before the end of July, so that he can be tried along with the accused, Ali Kushayb. At a press conference at Sudan’s Ministry of Justice in Khartoum today, Bensouda, who is on a three-day visit it to Sudan and Darfur Bensouda, revealed that a team of investigators from the ICC will arrive in Sudan in the coming period to collect more evidence on the ground.