DeKALB – The DeKalb Rotary Club is planning to restore the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock back to working order, with $28,000 as the total goal to repair the clock and its exterior. The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock, 101 Lincoln Highway, is celebrating its centennial this year. Since the DeKalb Rotary Club is also.
Northern Star
The Egyptian Theater, 135 N. Second St., is holding a fundraiser to replace the current seats at the theater, which are over 80 years old. The current seats have old and malfunctioning mechanics to go along with a less than ideal comfort level for patrons.
DeKALB – The Egyptian Theatre will be hosting a “Save the Clock” fundraising event for the DeKalb Rotary Club at 7 p.m. May 15. The event, which features a showing of “Back to the Future” to help the DeKalb Rotary Club restore the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Clock that is located downtown.
The Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. 2nd Street, works with many service and nonprofit organizations throughout the year. The event this Saturday will include a showing of “Back to the Future,” a costume contest, trivia contest and 50/50 drawing. The film “Back to the Future” was selected by the DeKalb Rotary Club.