Everybody s Home
According to a landmark economic study measuring the economic fallout of COVID-19, homelessness will increase by 15.8% and 34.4% more households in South East Perth will experience housing stress in 2021 due to the impact of the crisis.
However, if the Federal Government invests $7.2 billion in social housing across the country, it could make a serious dent in homelessness, turbocharge the post pandemic economy by $18.2 billion, and create 18,000 jobs per year over four years. In WA an investment of around $2.1 billion would create 5109 new homes.
The findings are contained in Double return: How investing in social housing can address the growing homelessness crisis and boost Australia’s economic recovery. The Equity Economics report was commissioned by Everybody’s Home, a broad-based civil society coalition attempting to fix Australia’s broken housing system and end homelessness.